
1. His Holiness Penor Rinpoche Enters Nirvana. 2. Long life pray offering for H.E. Ralo Rinpoche.

Dear Vajra Dharma Brothers and Sisters,

The following is the two news would like to share with you:

1. His Holiness Penor Rinpoche Enters Nirvana

"The 11th throneholder of the Palyul Lineage of the Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism, His Holiness Penor Rinpoche, entered his final meditation at 8:20 pm on Friday, March 27, 2009, at the Palyul Namdröling Monastery in Bylakuppe, South India.
Kyabjé Drubwang Pema Norbu Rinpoche was born in 1932 in the Powo region of Kham, Eastern Tibet. After leaving Tibet, he settled in South India, where he built, from his own hands and with the help of a few monks, the Palyul Namdröling Monastery.
His Holiness has also built temples around the world – in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, United Kingdom, Greece and the United States – among others. He has frequently traveled to teach and give empowerment at all of them. Worldwide, His Holiness is revered for his compassion, pure upholding of the Vinaya and ceaseless dedication to the welfare of all beings. He has brought and nourished the Buddha-Dharma everywhere he has been. He will live forever in our hearts. "
-- Referred from K.P.C. (http://www.tara.org)

2. His Holiness Taglung Tsetrul Rinpoche has been requested by H.E. Kshyubgtrul Rinpoche to make a long life pray offering to our H.E. Ralo Rinpoche for his longevity in order to continue spread the Dharmas.

You are welcome to make offering for these two events. Here is the plan to make the offerings:

1. Please respond the amount you would like to make offering as early as possible and no later than 04/02.
2. Please separate the amounts you like to offer to H.E. Penor Rinpoche and H.E. Ralo Rinpoche.
3. Please make your offerings ready either in cash or make your check payable to Queena Yang. Vajra Brother Yang is kindly to help to transfer the contribution to Taiwan.
4. The contribution will be collected starting this week and no later than 04/06. Please send your contribution to center this weekend.
You are welcome to deliver to your friend first if you are unable to go to center this weekend and you know your friend will go to center.
5. Please note the contribution cannot be used for tax deducible. However, your compassion heart is priceless!

A final contribution list will be sent out on 04/04 for your review.

The attached is an email in Chinese for your reference. This is email is forward from Taiwan regarding this event.

" 2009年3月27日,尊貴的 貝諾法王於印度白玉南卓林寺當地時間晚間8點20分示現圓寂,進入了涅槃前的最後禪定狀態,預期將會延續數日,待法王出定、捨離肉身之後,白玉南卓林寺將會就最後圓寂事項發佈官方聲明,俾令眾人依循傳統方式向法王致禮。
尊貴的 第三世貝諾法王為繼「敦珠法王」與「頂果法王」之後,當今甯瑪巴的掌教法王,對藏傳佛法,特別是致力於寧瑪派傳承之宏揚與利益眾生,貢獻卓著。今奉仁波切指示,通知仁波切在台各中心弟子們,匯集供養金,供養尊貴的 貝諾法王,祈願法王不捨眾生,早日乘願再來!。



祝各位師兄 身體健康 吉祥如意

弟 賴洸銘敬上2009/3/31 "


Rigdzin Phodrang Vajrayana Buddhist Center

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