
Amitabha Empowerment by H.H. Khyungtrul Rinpoche

Rigzin Phodrang Buddhist Center (Washington Center for Buddhist Studies) will host a special event - Amitabha Empowerment - on Sunday, May 19, 2013.  We are honored and blessed to have H. H. Khyungtrul Rinpoche as the host for this event.  H. H. Khyungturl Rinpoche from Nepal came to DC in April and will be offering a series of dharma teachings, pujas, retreats, and life liberation events.

Before becoming Buddha, Buddha Amitabha made 48 vows to help all sentient beings be reborn into the Pure Land and achieve enlightenment.  The Pure Land that situated in the uttermost west, is the ultimate source of blessings for all the sentient beings who have faith, make a vow and follow the dharma practice.

This event is open to the public.  Don't miss this great opportunity to enrich life and commence seeding for your bodhi tree.  All are welcome to experience and learn this rare and precious Amitabha dharma.

Time5/19/2013Sunday6:00 - 9:00pm
6649 Kirkley Ave, McLean, VA 22101
Contact: Kathy Chen: 301-793-1138        Grace Chen: 301-529-2746
         Calvin Lin: 240-408-6820 Steve Tung:  703-847-0522
URLhttp://rigzinphodrang.org          E-Mail: info@rigzinphodrang.org

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無量光佛無量壽 西方極樂淨土中
解脫眾生輪迴苦 彌陀大願祝成就

5/19/2013 6:00 - 9:00 PM
VA McLean Center
6649 Kirkley Ave, McLean, VA 22101

寧欽博藏佛學中心將於 5/19寧欽博藏佛學維州中心, 特別邀請西藏寧瑪派大圓滿成就的貴上師瓊珠法王為眾信舉辦阿彌陀佛灌頂。此次仁波切來到華府,將陸續舉辦教學與放生等活動。在弟子及諸善信大德的懇請之下,為祈國泰民安,增長眾生福德智慧,淨化身口意之業,將於五月十九日(週日)下午舉行阿彌陀佛灌頂阿彌陀佛為了幫助眾生脫離輪迴之苦,發了四十八個大願,凡是有情生命,只要有信心且願發心到淨土,再實修實行念佛與修法,阿彌陀佛皆能讓眾生滿願。此次灌頂,即是您付諸行動的開始,成為來生轉生西方淨土的助緣,無論佛緣深淺者,皆歡迎一同參與盛會。

時間:5/19/2013(週)下午6:00 - 9:00pm
6649 Kirkley Ave, McLean, VA 22101
請洽 : Kathy Chen: 301-793-1138   Grace Chen: 301-529-2746
      Calvin Lin: 240-408-6820   Steve Tung:  703-847-0522
URLhttp://rigzinphodrang.org          E-Mail: info@rigzinphodrang.org

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