becoming Buddha, Buddha Amitabha made 48 vows to help all sentient beings be
reborn into the Pure Land and achieve enlightenment. The Pure Land that situated in the uttermost
west, is the ultimate source of blessings for all the sentient beings who have
faith, make a vow and follow the dharma practice.
event is open to the public. Don't miss
this great opportunity to enrich life and commence seeding for your bodhi
tree. All are welcome to experience and
learn this rare and precious Amitabha dharma.
Time:5/19/2013(Sunday)6:00 - 9:00pm
Place:6649 Kirkley Ave, McLean, VA 22101
Place:6649 Kirkley Ave, McLean, VA 22101
Contact: Kathy Chen: 301-793-1138 Grace Chen: 301-529-2746
Calvin Lin: 240-408-6820 Steve Tung:
E-Mail: info@rigzinphodrang.org