
Dear Dharma Brthers and Sisters,
Here is the udpated total of the long life prayer mantra for dedicating to our Ven. Ralo Rinpoche:

DateTotal CountsUp-To-Date

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Long Life Prayer to Ralo Rinpoche

Dear Sangha, Dharma Brothers and Sisters,

We are going to hold a long life prayer for the Ven. Ralo Rinpoche to recite the long life mantra as many times as possible. The first initial objective is to recite 100,000 times of long life mantra within a month for the total counts of all dharma brothers. It's welcome all dharma brothers to join with us together to pray for our Ven. Ralo Rinpoche for his long life. Here is the proposed ways:

1. Attend half hour earier at each tsok or teaching in reciting the long life mantra together with dharma brothers.

2. Recite the mantra self at home and dedicate pray for Rinpoche. Email us (info@rigzinphodrang.org) your counts whenever you feel comfortable to mail. It's suggested to email us every two or three days.

3. Attend the long life pray night at center in reciting the long life mantra together with dharma brothers. We will hlld the events soon.
Please start your prayer as early as you can and send us your updates often.

The current counts up to date is 200.


Rigdzin Phodrang Vajrayana Buddhism Center

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2007 Prostration Retreat Schedule

2007 Prostration Retreat
Rigdzinphodrang Vajaryana Buddhism Center
PLACE: 6649 Kirkly Ave., McLean, VA 22101 (703) 847-0511

10/4 Thr. 6:30 p.m. Preparation
7 p.m. – 10 p.m. First Session
10 p.m. Rest
10/5 Fri.
10/6 Sat.
10/7 Sun.
3:30 a.m. Get up & Preparation
4 a.m. – 7 a.m. 1st Session
7 a.m. – 8 a.m. Breakfast & Rest
8 a.m. – 11 a.m. 2nd Session
11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Lunch & Rest
2 p.m. – 5 p.m. 3rd Session
5 p.m. – 7 p.m. Dharma Protector & Rest
7 p.m. – 10 p.m. 4th Session
10 p.m. Rest
10/8 Mon. 3:30 a.m. Get up & Preparation
4 a.m. – 6 a.m. Last Session
6 a.m. Release

FEE: $100 per person, (including breakfast, lunch, water…)
Additional offering to Rinpoche at end of retreat is appreciated…

Text book, Red shawl, katas, dorje&bell, mala, counter, sleeping bag, personal stuff (might include long pants, knee pads, gloves or protection for knees and hands), Offering…

1. Require the Eight Percepts* during the retreat.
2. No solid food after lunch, liquid drink is allowed in the afternoon and night.
3. Shower is allowed.
4. Outdoors activities are NOT allowed.
5. Please keep absolutely quiet, NO eating, drinking, sleeping, walking, or lay down during practice period.
6. Please avoid phone-call or visitors during the retreat.
7. Please turn off electronic devices during the retreat.
8. Female dharma brothers are rest at the second floor and male dharma brothers are rest at the first floor.

* (1) not killing living beings, (2) not stealing, (3) not having sexual intercourse, (4) not telling lies, (5) not drinking intoxicants, (6) not wearing bodily decoration, not using perfumes, not singing and dancing, and not going to see dances or plays, (7) not sleeping in a raised bed, and (8) not solid food after noon.

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Prostration retreat will be held from Oct. 04, Thursday to Oct. 08, Monday.

Dear Sangha, Dharma Brothers and Sisters,

A three days of Prostration (first premiliary pratice) retreat will be held from Oct. 04, Thursday (7:00 p.m.) to Oct. 08, Monday (6:00 a.m.).
Breakfast and lunch will be provided by center. Please arrive 30 minutes early to ensure adequate time for seating.

Please response back via the following registration form if you would like to participant this retreat, we need to count the total participants by 10/01. Please request the permission of the retreat from Rinpoche first. Rinpoche's contact phone number is (703) 288-0409.
Registration form of Retreat

Name of Retreat: _Prostration (first premiliary pratice) ______
English Name: _____________________ Request Date: _____/_____/_______
Dharma Name: ____________________ Contact Phone: __________________
Emergency Contact Name:________________________ Phone: ____________________
Had Permission From Ralo Rinpcohe: _________________ (Y/N)

A suggested contribution of $100 per person is recommended for the retreat. All contribution to Rigzinphodrang center (W.C.B.S.) is tax deductible.

I apologize to any in-convenience of schedule changes.
Rigzin Phodrang Vajrayana Buddhism Center

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